Islam in the News

Tribute: Inna LilahiWa Inna ElaihiRaajiHoun. May Allah SWT Grant PapaSerign Muhammadou Kabir KahJannatulFridaus - The Point

The Point

Tribute: Inna LilahiWa Inna ElaihiRaajiHoun. May Allah SWT Grant PapaSerign Muhammadou Kabir KahJannatulFridaus
The Point
Our Father and Khalifa General, Serign Muhammadou Kabir Kah was indeed blessed with the gift of purity of heart, integrity, simplicity, deep faith and submission to Allah SWT. He had an unparalleled love for the Prophet Muhammed (SAW). He loved his ...


Posted 2018/11/22 12:34:00

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